April 29 – 1 Timothy 2:1-6
- What are the advantages to praying different kinds of prayers for different situations?
- If God desires everyone to be saved; do we have the same desire, or do we think some people are unreachable?
- What does it look like to pray for those in leadership positions, especially those who we disagree with or despise?
- What does it mean that Jesus was a ransom for all?
April 30 – Colossians 1:15-23
- What is the difference between building our faith on solid ground and shifting sand?
- What does it mean that Jesus was the first born of all creation?
- If we are reconciled to God, how does this change how we live?
May 1 – Romans 10:9-13
- Why are we so eager to place labels on people, especially those we think do or do not deserve God’s grace?
- Is our confession more about looking the part, or is it an outward expression of what God is doing on the inside?
- Why do we deny God’s grace to ourselves or to others?
May 2 – Luke 18:18-30
- Do we follow God’s rules to make ourselves look good, or so that we can live in right relationship with God?
- Does never facing trials or having wealth mean that God’s favor is upon us?
- Does Jesus really require an all or nothing type of relationship?
May 3 – Matthew 25:31-46
- How often do we shun people because they are not “one of us”?
- Is our reward based on our good works or God’s grace and free gift of salvation?
- How do we move our faith from being self-focused to being focused on God first; then others?
- What is the difference between the sheep and the goats?
May 4 – James 1:22-25
- Are we more likely to remember something if we put it into action?
- What is the point of learning something if we are not going to put it into practice?
- How important is self-examination and asking God to search us?
- Is ignorance and stupidity really bliss?
May 5- James 2:14-19
- How is just having faith or working for social justice missing the complete picture of Christianity?
- How do we avoid using our works to try to get us into heaven?
- How often do we use prayers and well-wishes to get out of physically doing something because it could get messy or cost us something?