The Resurrection:
June 5- Matthew 27
What is the difference between regret and repentance
Why is it so easy to be influenced by the mob mentality no matter how right or wrong it is?
When we mock God or others, are we calling them a hypocrite?
Did the Romans have more faith in the resurrection than the disciples?
June 6- Matthew 28
What does it mean to go and make disciples?
Who is in our sphere of influence that we can share the news of a resurrected Savior?
How often do we try and cover up the truth to save our own skin?
How often do we look for Jesus where He isn’t or has been?
June 7- Mark 16
If there can not be a resurrection without death, why do we try to put death to self off?
Even though one believes, what allows us to keep our unbelief or full acceptance that God is going to do what He says?
June 8- Luke 24
How does Jesus calm our fears and doubts?
What is the significance of Jesus have a resurrected body?
How often does Jesus show up and we don’t recognize that it is Him?
What is our go to action or emotion when life becomes chaotic and when we don’t know what way is up?
June 9- John 19
How often are we like Pilate and try to pawn of responsibility to someone else?
Where does ones authority truly come from?
What is the significance of the phrase “it is finished?”
Are we those things that God is calling us to crucify so that we may follow Him?
June 10- John 20
Can we still have faith and or believe without completely understanding?
How often do we demand signs in order to believe?
Can God not forgive us if we don’t forgive the people in our lives?
June 11- John 21
What is the significance to Jesus asking Peter to feed His sheep?
What are the objects, activities or even people that we love more than Jesus?
If we are a disciple of Jesus, what do we bear witness to?