September 9 – Hebrews 11:11-16
- Are we so focused on the end goal where we forget to follow God’s leading?
- How do we have faith in a culture that is about instant gratification?
- Is having faith the same as having hope?
- How often are we like Sarah and laugh at God’s promises?
September 10 – Jeremiah 50:4-8
- Is our hope based on the people we follow or on God and His righteousness?
- What are those things worth seeking and are we going after those things?
September 11 – Matthew 19:16-30
- If comparing ourselves to what others have is bad, should this change the amount of time we spend on social media and what we post?
- What possessions do we let rule our lives?
- Do the commandments get us into heaven or show us how much we need a Savior?
September 12 – Luke 9:57-62
- How does the word ‘follow’ impact this passage?
- How detrimental is the ‘should of, could of, would of’ mantra to the Christian life?
- How many times do we put conditions on our obedience to God?
September 13 – Luke 14:25-35
- How often are we willing to count the cost before committing to something and how often does that cost deter us from doing it?
- Does bearing ones cross mean that our dreams, wants, and desires may die so that God’s will be done?
- What does it mean that we should use our ears for hearing and how often do we do it?
September 14 – Matthew 10:32-42
- What are those things we value more than God?
- Are we willing to lose things and relationships to follow Christ and His call on our lives?
- What are those things and attitudes that God wants you to put away or put to death?
September 15 – Matthew 4:18-22
- Are we willing to leave what we know and what is comfortable to follow Jesus?
- Does Jesus give a new definition of what it means to be family?
- How much of faith is about taking risk and trusting and how much of it is not about stupidity and making rash decisions?