June 9 – 2 Peter 1:1-11
What good is confessing to being a Christian if we do not live a Christian life?
If God gives us the grace and knowledge to follow Him, why don’t we use it?
What is our response to God’s kindness?
June 10 – Ephesians 2:1-10
Is kindness giving or receiving something that is not deserved?
How are our good works a response to God”s kindness and grace?
Is kindness something that grows in us when we receive salvation or is it something in us
June 11 – Ruth 2:1-23
How can the words ‘worthy’ or ‘excellence’ be used to describe one’s character?
Are we hoarders of what we have or do we live and give generously that which God has
given us?
What does it mean to be redeemed?
June 12 – Ruth 3:1-18
How does going to bat for someone who cannot do it themselves a risk?
How can we prevent narcissism from creeping into our kindness?
How do integrity and kindness go together?
June 13 – 1 Samuel 20:1-17
How does our love for God dictate how we treat others?
What are the similarities and differences between kindness and loyalty?
How often do we fake kindness so we can dish out revenge?
June 14 – 2 Corinthians 9:1-15
June 15 – Galatians 6:1-10
If our actions have consequences in this life and for eternity, how comfortable are we with our actions?
Does being spiritual mean that we are growing and maturing in grace and truth?
Do Do we promote our own actions or what God does in and through us?
What does it mean that God cannot be mocked?