June 23 – Jude 1-25
How do we prevent complacency from creeping into our walk with God?
How often do we value and abide in our experiences and passions over God’s truth and commands?
What does it mean to be beloved?
How does one discern and discredit false teachers?
June 24 – Matthew 24:36-51
Is faithfulness sometimes doing what we do not want to do?
Can we really betray someone if we don’t have something to gain?
If the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, does that make sin ok, because we don’t intend to
June 25 – Luke 19:11-27
Do we use what we have been given wisely, or do we hide it because it is risky and we may fail?
What is the difference between being a steward and an owner?
June 26 – 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
If oil and water do not mix, why do we keep trying to see if it does?
If we are the temple of the living God, how should we live?
June 27 – Galatians 3:1-14
Do we receive salvation by doing or by hearing and believing?
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in our coming to faith?
If the law can not save us, what is the point of it?
June 28 – Ephesians 6:10-20
How often do we put on the armor of God?
How important is spiritual warfare and are we prepared for it?
Does proclaiming the Gospel require us to take an active role in sharing the Gospel?
June 29 – 2 Timothy 1:1-18
How important is family lineage to one’s faith?
What is the difference between a spirit of fear and one of self-control and love?
What is the difference between self-confidence and God-confidence?