September 8 – Mark 10:35-45
How often do we not comprehend the consequences of or what is required for what we ask?
Why would we rather be served than to serve?
September 9 – Matthew 20:20-28
Do we ever use others to do our dirty work?
How does the Trinity imply relationship and submission to one another’s authority?
What does it mean that Jesus paid our ransom?
September 10 – Luke 22:66-71
Do we want to condemn Jesus with His own words or live them?
How does sitting on God’s right hand show relationship and authority over all?
Is Jesus’ authority and Son-ship based on who we say He is or is it independent of what we say?
September 11 – Acts 7:54-60
How is the mob mentality more about feeling and less about truth?
Are we more concerned with our own justice or God’s love and forgiveness for all?
September 12 – Romans 8:28-39
What does it mean to be foreknown and predestined?
Why do we think some thoughts and actions are unforgiveable?
Since we are more than conquerors, how does grace and humility fit into our lives?
September 13 – Psalm 16:1-11
Is our definition of good and God’s definition of good the same or different?
Do we put in the time and effort to seek and meditate on God’s wisdom and presence?
If God demands our all, what is our response?
How do a life of sin and sorrow go together?
September 14 – Hebrews 1:1-14
Why is Jesus’ being eternal significant to Christianity?
How should the created reflect the glory of the Creator and praise Him in all we do?
Why are angels important?