September 15 – Mark 16:12-20
Are there areas in our live that no matter what we have seen or heard, we still struggle with unbelief? If there is no middle ground with Jesus, why do we continue to ride the fence? Is teh reason we do not fulfill th great commission because we are lazy?
September 16 – Romans 10:1-15
Is ignorance really bliss? How does confession both in word and action demonstrate an inward faith and that one is being made right with God? If we cannot be made righteous through God’s law, why do we try?
September 17 – Acts 12:1-12
What does i mean to be set apart and what does fasting and prayer have to do with it? Are we more eager to further God’s Kingdom our way or by the leading of the Holy Spirit? What does it mean to be a false prophet? How much of the opposition we face is spiritual in nature?
September 18 – Acts 13:13-43
How does belief equal freedom? How often do we hear or read the truth and still not believe? Are there times when family lineage doesn’t mean anything to God?
September 19 – Acts 13:44-52
How does jealousy lead to hate and a whole bunch of ungodliness? Why is it so important for people not only to proclaim God’s goodness, but also to gather, hear and respond to it? What prevents us form doing this?
September 20 – Acts 14:1-7
Are we divisive with others because we can be or do we just not like them? How often do we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in speaking against oppression, no matter the consequences? Are the signs and wonders just meant for the Apostles or are they for all believers?
September 21 – Acts 14:8-20
Why do we give certain people undo super hero powers or place them on a pedestal where they don’t belong? What prevents us from seeing the things that are spiritual in nature? Are we the type of people who run into confrontation or run from it?