April 26 – John 20:24-31
Why do we struggle with thinking that if we didn’t see or touch it, it didn’t happen?
What is our response to the risen Savior?
What does it mean to be blessed for not seeing and still believing?
How do the titles Lord and God make Jesus eternal and one with the Father?
April 27 – John 11:1-16
How often do we blame God for not showing up on our time?
How often do we resort to the apathy of the Disciple Thomas?
What does it mean to walk in the light?
Does God ever do miracles to strengthen our faith?
April 28 – Mark 9:14-29
What does it mean to be faithless?
How pointless is our time and effort if we do not spend time in prayer?
How do we handle and deal with our unbelief?
April 29 – Genesis 17:15
What is the difference between the world’s and God’s blessing?
Do we ever laugh at God’s promises?
What is t he significance of God making His covenant through Isaac?
April 30 – Genesis 18:1-15
How often do we focus on our circumstances instead of what God can do?
Can laughter be a form of disbelief and snark?
What is our response when God shows up?
Can we still submit to God even though His promises seem far-fetched?
May 1 – Matthew 11:1-4
If Jesus is the real deal, why do we look elsewhere?
How does one’s current circumstance and outside voices affect their faith, hope, and who they trust?
May 2 – Matthew 21:18-22
Does bearing fruit mean that we put our talk into action?
Is the difference between doubt and faith that faith still moves forward and holds on to the promises of God?
How does having faith challenge us to leave the mundane and ordinary behind?