May 31 – Acts 2:42-47
What is the difference between seeing everything as mine and seeing everything as God’s?
How intentional are we about gathering with like minded people, or do we only do it when it
is convenient?
How can we be generous with our gifts while being responsible?
When we gather together, why do we struggle with inviting outsiders in?
June 1 – Matthew 19:16-26
What’s the difference between our definition of good, and God’s?
Why do we think we can earn our salvation by what we do or don’t do?
Do we pledge our allegiance to our possessions or to God?
Does wealth and health really mean that we have God’s blessing?
June 2 – Luke 12:22-34
Does being anxious mean we have control issues or trust issues?
How often do we get burnt out from trying to provide for ourselves?
June 3 – 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Is being idle and lazy the same thing?
How do we pray without ceasing?
How do we respect ourselves and others?
June 4 – Romans 15:1-7
Are we more interested in mocking people we deem inferior or building them up?
If we are living in peace, does this mean we avoid the tough conversations and do not challenge anyone to grow?
How does what we have unity about show the world what or who we serve?
June 5 – 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
Are we more concerned with being rich by God’s standards or the world’s?
How can we be committed to others if we are not committed to others first?
Does generosity always mean fairness?
June 6 – 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Is giving because we feel that we have to do it truly giving?
Can we really reap joy after sowing bitterness?
How is worship vital to our gathering and our relationship with God and others?