June 14 – Acts 4:32-37
What does it mean to be of one heart and one soul?
Is there a difference between needing and wanting?
What prevents us from sharing of what we have with those who need it more?
How much easier is it to give when we realize it is all God’s to begin with?
June 15 – Acts 5:1-11
Why do we think we can lie to God and live to tell about it?
When we feel that we have to do something, what are our intentions and effort like?
Do we give for show or give to grow?
June 16 – Joshua 7:1-9
Have we become so calloused that sin does not cause us to mourn?
If our actions and words affect the people around us, are there things we need to change?
How can confidence and self-reliance be a bad thing?
June 17 – Joshua 7:10-15
What does it mean to consecrate ourselves?
Are we more concerned with obeying God’s law or our own desires?
June 18 – Joshua 7:16-23
Are we in trouble when we start stealing and hiding things?
How often is arrogance our down fall?
June 19 – Joshua 7:24-26
If we are not reminded of the consequences of sin, are we more prone to repeat them?
Is the risk always worth the reward?
June 20 – Luke 22:47-54
Can we betray someone we don’t have a relationship with?
Does Jesus make us uncomfortable because He shows us what our true intentions are?