July 12 – Acts 8:1b
What makes one’s faith worth persecuting?
Do we have a faith worth persecution, and if not why?
July 13 – Acts 8:2-3
If we are devout, does it mean it is going to cost us something great?
What does it mean to lament?
July 14 – Acts 8:4
Does being scattered mean we are left alone on an island?
How intentional are we about sharing our faith where we are?
July 15 – Acts 1:4-8
What would our life look like if we relied on the power of the Holy Spirit instead of our own power?
Is it our job to set up God’s Kingdom or to proclaim the good news?
If there was no persecution, would the Gospel have spread from Jerusalem?
July 16 – Romans 10:4-10
What is the difference between the righteousness that comes from faith and the righteousness that comes from the law?
How important is confession?
Does God require us to be super heroes or to be faithful and preach the good news?
July 17 – Romans 10:11-13
Why do we think that some people either don’t deserve God’s grace or are not as good as we are?
Why do we make salvation out to be harder than what it is?
July 18 – Romans 10:14-15
How can someone believe without first hearing the Gospel?
How can the Gospel be proclaimed if God doesn’t send someone obedient to the calling to proclaim it?