August 23 – 1 Kings 18:41-46
How do faith and persistence go together?
How does faith accept God’s authority?
August 24 – Hebrews 11:1-16
How does faith interact with facts and truth?
Is there an element of risk to faith?
How does faith allow for right relationship with God and others?
August 25 – 1 Samuel 12:12-25
How often do we run after things that leave us empty and not satisfied?
Do we ever place our faith in something that we can see, touch and experience?
How does faith make us choose who we serve?
August 26 – Luke 12:54-59
Are their areas where we are not in right standing with God or others?
Does a lack of faith mean we don’t see or understand what God is doing or saying?
August 27 – Job 36:26-33
Do we ever avoid God so we don’t have to hear Him speak?
Can God’s judgement be a good thing?
How does faith recognize God’s glory and majesty?
August 28 – Job 37:1-13
How does God’s correction show His grace and love?
Does God communicate through nature?
August 29 – Job 37:14-24
How is being wise in our own eyes not a good thing?
How does God present Himself within the storm?