June 27 – Matthew 6:19-24
Why can’t we serve two masters?
Are we focused more on earthly rewards, or the eternal reward?
How does what we focus on show what our character is?
June 28 – Luke 12:13-21
Are we more generous to ourselves or others?
How can wealth and comfort lead to an unhealthy self-reliance and idols?
Are we Godly rich, or humanly rich? What is the difference?
June 29 – James 5:1-6
Why do we seek after what can spoil and be taken away?
Does luxury make us lazy, or dishonest?
How often do we manipulate for our own gain?
June 30 – Matthew 19:16-30
How do our possessions become our identity?
What is the difference between owning our possessions, and just being good managers of what we have?
Why do we equate wealth with God’s favor?
July 1 – 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Does wealth just mean money?
How do we use what God has given us in a way that glorifies him?
What is the point of having something if we don’t use it?
July 2 – Luke 16:1-15
How does money try and control us?
What does it mean to be a lover of money?
July 3 – Proverbs 23:1-8
Do we need to be discerning when people ask us for favors?
How does seeking wealth lead to trouble?
Do we ever regret who we associate with?