August 1 – Matthew 7:13-14 (Wide and Narrow Gates)
How is hitting the easy button not always the best or right option?
Does this mean that God has standards that he has set for us to live by?
How does the narrow gate require discernment, courage, and grace?
Does this mean there is only one way to God?
August 2 – Luke 13:22-30
What does it mean that the first shall be last?
How is doing things for Jesus different than being in relationship with Him?
August 3 – John 10:1-6
What does it mean to be the gatekeeper?
How do we know the voice of the shepherd?
August 4 – John 10:7-18
What is the difference between the hired hand, and the good shepherd?
What does it mean that God has sheep that are not in the fold?
What does it mean to be in the fold?
Why do we listen to the thief if the aim of the thief is to destroy and to steal?
August 5 – Isaiah 35:8-10
What makes this highway so hard to miss?
What makes this road so special?
What does it mean that gladness and joy are obtained?
August 6 – Isaiah 40:1-5
How is God’s glory for everyone to see?
Does our unbelief put a barrier between us and God?
How does God plan to restore our relationship with him?
August 7 – Jeremiah 6:16-20
How often do we not pay attention to God’s warnings?
How does God’s way provide rest and peace? How often do we try and buy God off