Jesus, The Son of God:

May 22- Matthew 17;21

Is our faith based on what God does through us or what we do for God?

What is the significance to Moses and Elijah showing up to the Transfiguration?

If we are known by our actions, what do our actions say about us and the one we worship?

May 23- Mark 8-9

Do we mock God when we demand a miracle and do not change when God performs one?

Who do you say that Jesus is and how should this affect your every day life?

Why do we like to turn things into an us vs them when we are all on the same team?

What is greatness and how does humility play into it?

May 24- Mark 10-11

Can we follow all of the rules and still miss God?

How many of our relational issues come from being stubborn, bullheaded, or

stubbornness and general stupidity?

If something does not happen, is it because we do not have enough faith?

Why do we crave positions of authority and recognition?

May 25- Mark 12; 14

Are we good stewards of what we have been given, or do we use and abuse it?

How comfortable are we giving what is due to Cesar, and God, or do we just want to keep

it all for ourselves?

Who is our neighbor and how do we love them as ourselves?

How does Jesus testimony show His relationship to God?

May 26- Luke 9;22

What does it mean to pick up our cross and to follow Jesus?

What are those things that we place ahead of following Jesus?

How does having communion remind us of our mortality and that we are bought with a


May 27- John 7-8

Why do we spend so much time in trying not to be hated?

If we point the finger of accusation, how many fingers are pointing back at us?

What does it mean to be in and walk in the light?

May 28-John 11-12

If Jesus raises people from the dead, does this mean He has power over death?

What is the difference between being resurrected and resuscitated?

How often do we blame God for not showing up on our time?

How does death and bearing much fruit go together?



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