October 4- Exodus 19-20
What does it mean to be consecrated?
What is the difference between following the rules and being holy/set apart?
How do the Ten Commandments guide us in our relationship with God and others?
October 5-Exodus 24
Does God keep His distance in this passage and if so, why?
What is the significance of the renewing of the covenant?
How do we affirm our covenant with God, either publically, privately or both?
October 6- Exodus 25
If God dwells in us, how shall we live them?
What is the significance of Gods people giving items to the tabernacle?
How does these items represent a part of Gods character?
October 7- Exodus 32
How often do we blame circumstance or other people for our poor decisions?
Why do we get so wrapped up in worshiping the created instead of the Creator?
Do we accept the consequences of our guilt or rationalize it away?
Are we willing to follow God, no matter the cost?
October 8- Exodus 33
If God is not with us, are we really left out to dry?
Do we fully comprehend our sin and the affects of it on ourselves and our relationship with God and others?
What actions do we take to make us either come to terms with our sinful nature or gloss over it and make ourselves better than we really are?
October 9- Exodus 34
How do we go from having Gods law on tablets to having His law on our hearts?
Why would God command a day of rest and for expansion of the borders along with feast?
October 10- Exodus 40
What is the point of consecrating objects?
What is a symbol of God’s presence in your life and how do you share it with a broken world?