
December 6- Jeremiah 31:31-34

Why is there a new covenant and was the old one dysfunctional?

What is the difference between knowing someone factually and having a relationship with

someone, and why are we comfortable with just knowing someone factual?

Does having the law on our mind allude to just Scripture memorization or putting into

practice what we know?

December 7- Romans 5:12-20

What is the contrast between Jesus and Adam?

What is the therefor there for?

Why are we more concerned with our physical death instead of our dead or dying spiritual  life?

December 8- Romans 6:1-14

Are we called to live a sinless life and is it possible?

What does it mean to die with Christ?

Which is our master, master of our self-gratification or God the master of all?

December 9- Romans 6:15-23

What does it mean to be a slave and are we all a slave to something?

What are you a slave to?

If our thoughts, speech, and actions have consequences here and now, and for eternity, how should we live differently?

December 10- Romans 7:1-6

What is the difference of a spirit of condemnation and a spirit of forgiveness?

How do God’s laws show us where our intentions are?

Why can’t God’s law save, why can only God’s sacrifice do that?

December 11- Philippians 3:1-11

Is our confidence on our own ability or lack thereof or Gods?

Is our goal to build up the body of Christ or to be divisive and to tear apart?

What is the power of the resurrection?

What does it mean to participate in Christ death, resurrection and suffering?

December 12- Colossians 2:6-23

How do we use discernment to know what is true and what is not?

Why is having deep roots so important?

How do we die to our sins?


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