March 6 – Luke 14:12-24

How many times to we make excuses not to follow God because of something more


How often do we do things so we can be noticed or repaid with something greater?

What is Gods Kingdom?

What is the difference between urging and commanding someone to do something?

March 7 – Isaiah 25:6-9

Is Gods salvation for a specific group of people or for all?

How is death defeated with salvation?

How is waiting holy and when does it require action?

March 8 – Revelation 19:1-10

How often do we worship the created instead of the Creator?

How does the idea of worship/praise and completion of creation go together?

How does Gods judgement reveal our lies, wrong doings and our intentions?

March 9 – Matthew 26:17-29

Are there ways where we betray Jesus on a daily basis?

Can we only betray those who are close to us?

How does communion represent the sacrifice of Jesus is once and for all?

March 10 – Matthew 21:28-46

How does the fruit of our action show who we follow?

If what we believe does not lead to action or life change, is it something really believing in?

Is Gods kingdom filled with people who deserve or do not deserve it?

March 11 – Matthew 22:1-14

Do we claim to follow Jesus and yet we do not let Him change our character?

How often do we find Gods commands trivial or beneath us?

Do we really insult God by not accepting His invitation?

March 12 – Matthew 3:1-12

If repentance does not lead to change is it really repentance?

How does truth trump family and tradition?

What is the difference between the baptism of water and baptism of the Spirit?


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