April 1 – Matthew 16:13-20
- Are we more concerned with doing things for God or doing God’s plan?
- Why is it easier to claim that Jesus is God than actually living it out daily?
- Do we rely on our knowledge or God’s knowledge and what do we put into practice?
April 2 – Luke 11:14-28
- How do we move from hearing God’s word to doing it?
- How often do we see signs yet we don’t believe or fully embrace them?
April 3 – Luke 8:26-39
- How often do we get scared or hide when God displays His power?
- Is demon possession a real thing or do we write it off as something that is medical?
- What does this passage say about God’s authority over everything?
April 4 – John 3:1-21
- How often do we want to follow Jesus just as long as no one else knows?
- How often do we have all the right answers and still don’t get it?
- Can Jesus really be the Son of God if He cannot provide the way for everyone to be reconciled with God?
April 5 – John 4:28-30; 39-42
- Is God’s plan for salvation just for some people, or for all people?
- Is good news worth knowing if we are not willing to let it change us, and share what that good news has done for us?
April 6 – John 20:24-29
- How often do we doubt until we see some sort of physical proof?
- What is our response to Jesus when He does show up in our lives?
- How often do we keep Jesus at arm’s length because we might have to change and change is just way to hard and messy?
April 7 – John 1:43-51
- What is the significance to the phrase “Son of Man”?
- How do we invite people to encounter Jesus, even in the midst of their doubts?