April 19- John 20:19-23
Does our forgiveness really depend on our forgiving others?
How is the peace that God gives different than the peace that the world gives?
Why is being filled with the Holy Spirit so vital?
April 20- Mark 16:14-20
How does being rebuked and or disciplined mean that there is a growing relationship?
Does the result of being a maturing believer mean that God will do great things through us?
What prevents us from sharing what God is doing in and through us?
April 21- Luke 24:36-49
Are doubts the same as being confused?
What is the significance of Jesus being raised in bodily form?
What does it mean to be a witness and how should we respond as one?
April 22- Acts 1:12-26
Can we read and hear all that God has to say and still miss the boat?
Is there any significance to the number 12?
How do we differentiate between our desires and God’s will?
April 23- I Kings 19:1-18
How does a self-righteous attitude tend to lead us to having an ugly melt down?
How often does a good nap and a nourishing meal change our attitude?
Do we ever look for God in all the wrong places?
Are we more focused on doing God’s work for Him or assisting God in His plans?
April 24- Genesis 28:10-22
How do we balance God being in heaven, and yet right beside us?
When we encounter God, why does it always require a response?
What does it mean to be blessed by God?
If God always follows through, why do we have issues trusting Him?
April 25- I Samuel 3:1-18
Do we accept God’s judgment, or do we run from it or try to change it?
How do we discern God’s voice from all of the other noises and distractions?
Is a willingness to grow and mature more important than knowledge and family tree?