August 2 – 1 Kings 17:7-16
How often do we want God to provide for our needs and then ask Him to walk away?
What does it mean not to fear?
What does it look like for us to trust God with everything on a daily basis?
August 3 – Luke 4:14-30
Can we truly have peace, healing or justice without the Lordship of Jesus?
What is the significance of being filled with the spirit?
If we continually reject God, will He walk away from us?
August 4 – John 4:1-26
What are the things we do because we feel obligated or that cause us to feel unfulfilled?
Is worship more about place or heart?
What are those cultural norms that God is calling us to stop doing?
August 5 – Genesis 24:1-9
What are those things that distract us from worshiping God?
What does it mean to submit to one’s authority, especially God’s?
August 6 – Genesis 24:10-27
How do our prayers reveal what we think about God?
What is our response when God comes through?
Are we more concerned with serving or being served?
August 7 – Genesis 24:28-41
What is significant about oaths and when can we be released from them?
How is there risk with obedience?
August 8 – Genesis 24:42-54
Is there such of a thing as coincidence with God?
Is there any significance to the well and to water?