December 20 – Matthew 2:1-12
Does tradition ever trump facts?
What is the difference between King and Lord?
Are the gifts just gifts, or do they represent worship and a thankful heart?
December 21 – Matthew 2:13-18
Are any of us like Herod and have an ego and confidence problem?
With the promised Messiah fleeing to Egypt, is Israel left hopeless and defenseless?
How is Jesus the ultimate deliverer?
December 22 – Matthew 2:19-23
What is the significance of Jesus living in Nazareth?
How obedient are we when God shows up and speaks commands to us?
December 23 – Exodus 1:15-22
What does it mean to fear God?
Did Pharaoh implement the genocide to protect his ego and his throne?
Did the midwives really participate in civil disobedience against Pharaoh?
December 24 – Exodus 2:1-10
What is the significance of Moses’ name meaning “drawn out”?
What is the significance of Moses growing up in Pharaoh’s household?
How did God show favor and protection to Moses’ mom?
December 25 – Exodus 4:18-23
What does it mean that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened?
What is the significance of being the first born?
How do choices either lead to good or bad consequences?
December 26 – Jeremiah 31:15-20
How is discipline a form of love?
How is there grief when we are far from God?
Does grief lead to repentance?