February 17 – Colossians 3:12-17                                                                                                             

  1. How is love the basis for everything Godly?
  2. Does tolerance mean we accept everything as good and holy or are there things that we should flee from?
  3. If we have been forgiven much, are we extending forgiveness to others?

February 18 – John 14:22-27                                                                                                               

  1. What is the difference between the world’s peace and God’s peace?
  2. How do love and obedience go together?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit remind, convict, and encourage us with God’s promises?

February 19 – Matthew 18:21-35                                                                                                                      

  1. Why do we think that there is a magic number of times we can forgive someone before we let our brand of righteous indignation loose?
  2. Why do we think that what is done to us is always worse than the wrong we do to others?
  3. Can we forgive someone with our mouth and still hold anger and bitterness towards them?
  4. How do we give people what God has graciously given us?

February 20 – Psalm 34:8-14                                                                                                                               

  1. Is being broken-hearted the same thing as humility?
  2. What is the difference between wants and needs?
  3. Are some of God’s good gifts conviction and discipline and do we embrace or run from them?
  4. What does healthy fear look like and is it related to respect at all?

February 21 – 1 Corinthians 13:1-13                                                                                                                            

  1. Is love about feelings or actions, or both?
  2. How does true love lead us into growth and maturity?
  3. How does true love force us to look at ourselves, others and God honestly?

February 22 – Ephesians 5:1-20                                                                                                                       

  1. Does being a living sacrifice mean we offer a part of ourselves or all of us?
  2. If we cannot hide anything from God, why do we try?
  3. How do we submit to each other?
  4. What is the difference between light and darkness?

February 23 – Galatians 4:16-26                                                                                                                                 

  1. Is foolishness based on action or feeling?
  2. Would we rather lie and have friends or tell the truth and be mocked?
  3. Are we a slave to God’s freedom or are we a slave to our destructive choices and thoughts?

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