February 3 – Ephesians 4:24-32
- How do we incorporate humility and honesty into speaking truth?
- What is the difference between my truth and God’s truth and which one do we line up with more?
- What does it mean to not sin in anger and how do we deal with anger properly?
- How can we be more receptive to the Holy Spirit in hearing and following His leading?
February 4 – Colossians 3:1-11
- What does it mean to have our lives hidden with Christ in God?
- What is the difference between not doing something and killing it off?
- What is the difference between our old self and new self and are we working toward putting on our new self?
February 5 – Matthew 9:14-17
- How often do we try to put into practice what we are not ready for or are not mature enough for?
February 6 – 1 Corinthians 5:1-8
- Why do we continue to let known sin reign and cause issues in our relationships with God and others?
- Do we ever live our life as we wish and use God’s grace and freedom to do whatever we want?
- If boasting about our actions is bad, even the good ones, why do we continue to do it?
February 7 – Ezekiel 18:21-32
- Why do we think and act on the idea that our good thoughts and actions somehow replace God’s righteousness and forgiveness through Jesus death and resurrection?
- How is judging God’s goodness based on our standards never a good idea?
- How often do we carry the idea that God takes more pleasure in smiting people than offering forgiveness and grace?
- How do these ideas play out in our everyday lives?
February 8 – Ezekiel 36:22-32
- How often do we view God’s forgiveness as something we deserve instead of it being about who God is and His character?
- How are healthy boundaries and rules a good thing and why don’t we like them?
- Have we truly grasped the destructiveness of our actions and words on our relationships and how they can affect our eternal destination?
- What does it mean to have a new heart and can we have it without repentance and a life change?
February 9 – Romans 13:8-14
- How are rules without love legalism?
- Does putting on the armor of light mean that we have to undress ourselves of the things that are ungodly?