February 2 – John 18:28-40
What is the difference between being a good teacher and being the Son of God?
Why do we want to get rid of God when He makes us uncomfortable?
Why do we think that the mob mentality can make something true or untrue?
What is the difference between our kingdom and God’s kingdom?
February 3 – John 8:31-41
Why do we keep thinking truth is based on what or how we feel?
Is freedom being free to do whatever e wish, or is it living within Godly boundaries?
How do our actions show to whom or what we belong?
February 4 – Proverbs 1:1-7
How do the fear of God and wisdom go together?
What is the difference between wisdom and knowledge?
What makes it so difficult to accept Godly correction and accountability?
February 5 – Proverbs 1:20-33
Do we ever get too comfortable with or stubborn about how we see and do things?
What is Godly fear?
Does God turn a deaf ear to our arrogant requests and pleas?
February 6 – Proverbs 2:1-22
Does wisdom take a look at our actions and our intentions?
Do we really rejoice in the demise of others?
How often do we fall for what glitters and shines, and distracts?
February 7 – Proverbs 3:1-26
What is the difference between our understandings and God’s?
What hinders or prevents us from memorizing God’s commands?
How is Godly wisdom more valuable than anything this world has to offer?
What does it mean to be blessed by God?
February 8 – Proverbs 4:1-13
Is what we are seeking worth finding?
How do discipline and wisdom go together?
Is wisdom always doing the most pragmatic or taking the easiest way?
What is the point of knowing what God knows if we do not put it into practice?
Is Godly wisdom something that is to be guarded?