January 26 – Psalm 139:13-18
If we are fearfully and wonderfully made, does this mean we are not an accident?
Does God’s greatness ever leave us with a sense of awe and amazement?
Why do we think that God would create us in His image just to abandon us?
January 27 – Genesis 1:26-31
What does it mean to be created in God’s image?
Were we created by accident, or does God have a purpose for us?
Is creating new things something that God does or is it a part of His character?
January 28 – Genesis 2:7-17
How have we turned Godly work and even productivity into something bad?
How does God’s breathing life into us make us different than the rest of creation?
Is eating from the tree of good and evil in essence trying to take God’s authority and goodness for
January 29 – Genesis 2:18-25
Does helper mean that someone is neither stronger nor weaker than us, but fits or compliments us?
Why is it not good for us to be alone and does this mean we all need to be married?
   What does it mean to be naked and not ashamed and is there a connection to having a clean conscience?
January 30 – Psalm 8:1-9
How does being at the top of creation still not make us God?
Can we really look at creation and not see God’s handiwork?
How does God proclaim His message through the weak and unexpected?
January 31 – Psalm 100:1-5
Does how we see ourselves, others, or creation dictate what we think about God?
How does being created in God’s image give us value, belonging and worth no matter what we do or
How is bringing praise an actual choice and mindset?
February 1 – Acts 17:22-34
Why do we try to make God look and act like us?
Is our relationship with God based on how or what we feel and how is this a bad thing?
How does repentance begin to restore God’s image in us?