July 15- 1 Peter 2:11-12
- What does it mean to be beloved
- Do we let things into our lives that take us way from God or bring us closer to God?
- Are we willing to live out our lives so that others will have the opportunity to believe?
July 16- 1 Peter 2:13-15
- How does our relationship with God lead us to interact with our civil authorities?
- How does living with humility and good deeds help defuse false accusations?
- Are we more concerned about what God says about us or what others say?
July 17- 1 Peter 2:18-20
- Do we ever think we deserve something special for punishment for a wrong we actually committed?
- How do trials and tribulations show where our hope is?
- How does endurance build character?
July 18- Peter 2:21-25
- What makes retaliation so attractive and how is it never worth it?
- Are we willing to live by faith and grace, or by our own destructive tendencies?
- If Jesus is our example, why do we try to avoid suffering?
- Are we willing to live by the fickle standards of the world, or by God’s never changing standards?
July 19- 1 Peter 3:1-6
- Are we more concerned with what is flashy and shallow or what has depth and character?
- Are we always to submit or are there cases where it would be a bad thing?
July 20- 1 Peter 3:7
- Is how we treat the ladies in our lives a reflection of our relationship with God?
- How does one lead a Godly relationship?
July 21- Matthew 20:25-28
- Why are we more content to be served than to serve?
- When we serve, are we aiming to be exalted by someone, or are we serving to point people to Jesus?
- Do we serve because we want to or because we feel that we have to?
- What does it mean that Jesus gave His life as a ransom?