June 21- Acts 5:12-16 a
If the Holy Spirit is not at work in and through our lives, can we be called Christ followers?
How often do we put too much stock into the people who do the healing instead of the Holy
Spirit who works through us?
June 22 – Acts 5:17-20
How often does jealousy create hurt feelings and trying to seize control of the situation?
Can we really override God’s plan?
June 23 – Acts 5:21-26
Have we ever tried to minimize God’s greatness?
Are God’s miracles to bail us out or to show the world His glory?
June 24 – Acts 5:27-32
How do our actions reveal who we serve and where our loyalty is placed?
If we can only serve God or man, why do we try to serve both?
June 25 – Acts 5:33-40
What does it mean to oppose God?
Are we willing to be committed to our faith even through persecution?
June 26 – Acts 5:41-42
Do we consider it joy to suffer for Jesus?
Do we preach the cross of Christ out of humility or arrogance and spite?
June 27 – Luke 13:10-17
Are we more concerned with the letter of the law or the spirit of it?
Do we ever deprive others of what God can grant because that means they will be equal with us?