March 14 – 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
What does it mean to be a new creation?
What is this ministry of reconciliation?
Are we more concerned with our outward appearance or our inner character?
March 15 – Romans 3:9-20
How is the law like a mirror?
Can our good actions be considered selfish if God is not involved?
Why can’t someone be righteous without God?
March 16 – Romans 3:21-31
If we could save ourselves, what is the point of Jesus?
How does sin make us all equal?
How is God’s righteousness displayed in our forgiveness?
March 17 – Romans 5:1-11
What does it mean to be justified by faith?
If we did not face trials and suffering, would we ever grow and mature?
How is reconciliation a relational concept?
March 18 – Romans 5:12-21
Does God put a limit on His grace?
How is sin a willful violation of God’s known command?
Why do we still need to accept God’s free gift?
March 19 – Romans 6:15-23
Does God’s grace give us a license to sin?
Are we a slave to sin and death or righteousness and life?
If our words and actions have consequences, are we comfortable with what we do and say?
March 20 – John 10:7-18
How is Jesus the good shepherd?
What is the difference between the shepherd and the hired hand?
How can something be taken away if it is freely given?
What does it man to have life abundantly and is it possible?