March 18 – Matthew 24:1-8

  1. How can we decipher people who are putting on a show from the real thing?
  2. How can we decipher the difference between events that point to Jesus coming back and events that result from a sinful and broken world?
  3. Are we more concerned about Biblical Prophecy and end times, or about being obedient in the here and now because we are not promised our next breath?

March 19 – Matthew 24:9-21

  1. Is there a difference between being persecuted and getting called out for being an idiot or outright sin?
  2. Do you play the victim card when you are persecuted, and wither; or do you keep on keeping on with the strength and perseverance only God can provide?

March 20 – Matthew 24:22-28

  1. Is God going to return quietly or for the whole world to see?
  2. How often are we led astray because we are not sensitive or obedient to the work of the Holy Spirit?

March 21 – Matthew 24:29-35

  1. How well do we put into practice God’s authority and wisdom over everything?
  2. When Christ does return, is our response going to be one of great joy or great sorrow and regret?

March 22 – Matthew 24:36- 44

  1. Are we oblivious to the consequences of our actions, and the effect our speech and attitudes have on  ourselves and others?
  2. How often do we put off spiritual growth till tomorrow?  What if tomorrow was too late?
  3. How much is life being obedient to what we know despite not knowing all the answers in the here and now?

March 23 – Matthew 24:45-51

  1. How is the attitude, “what you don’t know won’t hurt you”, just a bad idea?
  2. How often do we put on a show when everyone is looking to get what we want or to make things look better than what they are?
  3. Are consequences solely based on our actions, or can they be based on our intentions also?

March 24 – Matthew 25:1-13

  1. Are we prepared to meet God at any time, or do we keep putting things off so when we meet God, we will not be ready?
  2. Do we rely on other people’s spiritual growth and readiness so that we can claim it as our own?

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