March 3 – 1 Corinthians 15:1-2
- Is salvation a one-time event, or is it an on-going process?
- What does it mean to believe in vain?
March 4 – 1 Corinthians 15:3-11
- Are we more concerned with doing God’s work or with who gets the credit for doing the work?
- If grace is an essential part of our faith and salvation, why do we think that we deserve God’s salvation?
March 5 – Genesis 28:10-19
- Can we follow some of God’s laws without being totally committed to His plan or purpose?
- If God does not back out of His promises, why do we have a hard time trusting Him?
- Since God is with us, who can be successful against us?
March 6 – Psalm 77:1-12
- What is Biblical lamenting?
- Is reaching out to God the first thing we do or is it somewhere down on the list?
- How does remembering God’s amazing work in the past help us in our current time of trouble?
- Do we live so much in the past that we are no use in the present?
March 7 – Psalm 77:13-20
- How has God showed up and displayed His greatness in your life?
- If God has authority over all, why do we try and take that authority back from Him?
- What does it mean to be redeemed?
March 8 – Psalm 66:1-7
- How does who or what we give praise to show where our allegiances lie?
- How does worship show us the condition of our hearts and how does worship keep us honest?
March 9 – Deuteronomy 31:9-13
- Do we avoid God’s laws, treat them as suggestions or put them into practice?
- Does fear cause us to run from God or run to God?
- If God’s law and love is for everyone, why do we not share it with others?