March 7- John 11:45-54
Did Jesus really have to die?
Did the priests want to remove Jesus to keep the peace with the Romans?
March 8- Luke 22:1-6
Can there be betrayal without trust?
Is there any significance to the priests and scribes being afraid of Jesus?
What is the significance to the priests choosing Judas and what role did Satan play?
What is the significance to the plot happening over the Passover?
March 9- Luke 22:47-53
Why did the High Priest wait so long to deal with Jesus?
How different is our Kingdom and God’s?
March 10- Luke 22:54-62
What is the difference between guilt and shame?
How often do we want to be a part of something until it cost us something great?
March 11-Matthew 27:11-26
Do we ever make our decisions based on the mob mentality?
What does it mean to have blood on one’s hands?
Do we ever add fuel to the fire by responding?
March 12- John 19:1-16
What is the difference between calling Jesus Savior and calling Him innocent?
Were the Jews pledging their complete allegiance to Rome instead of Jesus?
March 13- Matthew 27:62-28:15
Would we rather lie to save our pride or tell the truth no matter the cost?
Why do we look for the living among the dead?
Was Pilate more concerned about power and pride or truth?