May 2 – Matthew 5:31-32
Is remarriage after a divorce really adultery?
Is divorce really hanging one’s former spouse out to dry in some cases?
May 3 – Deuteronomy 24:1-5
What does it mean to have a hardened heart?
What does it mean to not bring sin among the land?
Is divorce and the mistreatment of creation a part of God’s original plan?
May 4 – Genesis 2:18-25
What does it mean to be naked and not ashamed?
Does helper mean equal and or complimenting where the other one lacks?
Why is it not good to be alone?
What does it mean to be one?
May 5 – Mark 10:1-12
What is God’s original plan for marriage?
Were the Pharisees really concerned about divorce, or tripping Jesus up?
Did God really change because we decided to go off the rails?
May 6 – Deuteronomy 22:13-21
Do we look for any reason to get out of marriage, even if it is made up?
What does it mean to purge evil from one’s midst?
Is marriage more of a contract or a covenant and what is the difference?
May 7 – Malachi 2:13-16
How often do we forget to invite and heed the Holy Spirit’s presence in our relationships?
Does hate have a connection to divorce?
Have we replaced God’s standards for marriage with our culture’s standards?
May 8 – 1 Corinthians 7:10-17
Is one really saved by association?
Should one marry an unbeliever in hopes that they might save them?
Does living in peace mean we avoid manipulation of any kind?