May 23 – Matthew 5:38-42 (Eye for Eye)
Is eye for an eye a guideline and a form of justice?
Does relation lead to more violence?
Does going the extra mile come out of a sense of obligation or want to?
How does giving to others require something great and how do we not give foolishly?
May 24 – Exodus 21:12-25
How does our intention play into revenge and how one’s actions are interpreted?
If we are all created in God’s image, how shall we treat those who have wronged us?
May 25 – Leviticus 24:17-22
Does eye for an eye really make the whole world go blind?
Does an eye for an eye really provide a guideline for justice and retribution?
May 26 – Deuteronomy 19:15-21
Is there a purpose or an advantage to having multiple witnesses?
If one is caught lying, should the punishment be the same as if they did the actual crime?
May 27 – Micah 6:9-16
Who do we look to for advice and leadership?
Do our actions and what we desire leave us wanting more?
What does it mean that we will plant and yet not harvest?
May 28 – Micah 6:6-8
Do we ever try to pay for or earn grace and forgiveness?
Is humility the opposite of vengeance?
Does mercy really cancel out vengeance and retribution?
May 29 – 1 John 1:5-2:2
How do grace and the cross cancel out eye for an eye?
How is confession good for the soul?
What does it mean to walk in the light?
Do we ever minimize our sin?