May 9- Matthew 5:33-37
What does it mean for our yes to be yes and our no to be no?
How should our character back up what we say?
May 10- Deuteronomy 23: 21-23
How often do we make promises to God to get ourselves out of trouble?
If God keeps His promises, why don’t we?
What makes not completing a vow a sin?
May 11- James 4:13-16
How many of our promises are based on our arrogance that we control the future?
How should our promises look if we realize that we are not guaranteed our next breath?
Should we not plan for the future?
May 12- James 5:12
Are we prepared to fulfill the promises we make, no matter the circumstances?
Is invoking God’s name in oaths really taking His name in vain?
May 13- Job 34:1-4, 42:7
How do we apply discernment to what we hear?
What does it mean to be wise in our own eyes?
Can we be frustrated with God and still not sin?
May 14- Job 42:1-6
How often do we consider ignorance as wisdom?
Do we ever try and speak for God without consulting Him first?
May 15- Hebrews 6:13-18
Are God’s promises really oaths?
How do we hold strong to God’s promises?
If God were to lie, wouldn’t that disqualify Him from being God?