November 11 – 2 Thess. 3:1-5
- Do we pray so that we may change God; or do we pray so that God can change us?
- How does prayer get us on the same page as God?
- What is the connection between prayer and perseverance?
November 12 – Romans 15:30-33
- What does it mean to be unified in prayer?
- What does it mean that our prayers are acceptable offerings?
November 13 – 1 Chronicles 29:10-20
- How does prayer help check our intentions and to keep them pure?
- How does prayer put God and us in their proper places?
- How does what we think about lead to our action and character development?
November 14 – 1 John 5:13-21
- How do we develop God’s understanding and how do we start seeing things as He see them?
- If we continue to struggle with the same issues, are we really maturing as Christians?
- How does prayer help lead us to keep each other accountable?
- Is there a right way and a wrong way to keep one another accountable?
November 15 – Ephesians 6:18-20
- If prayer is our most powerful resource, why do we struggle with it?
- What does it mean to pray without ceasing?
- Is prayer a form of worship, or is it a way to tell God what we want, and when and how we want it?
- What is the connection between our prayer life and boldness for the Gospel?
November 16 – Jeremiah 29:10-14
- What is the difference between the peace of this world and Gods peace?
- Is what we desire most worth going after and finding?
- What does it mean to be restored?
November 17 – Matthew 5:43-48
- How does one love their enemies without condoning what they do?
- If we think and act the same as the world, are we really any different than them?
- What are some of the challenges of praying for our enemies?
- How does turning the other cheek help make the situation better rather than pouring gas on the situation?