November 8 – Ephesians 5:15-21
Does submitting to each other mean that we lose our identity or authority?
Do we take every opportunity to do good?
Are idle hands really the devil’s playground?
November 9 – 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Are we more concerned with the meaning of the message or how it is presented?
Do we seek wisdom or knowledge and what is difference?
What does it mean to preach Christ crucified?
Is our confidence in ourselves or God?
November 10 – Psalm 14:1-7
What is the connection to salvation and refuge?
If we are labeled a fool, what does that say about our morals and character?
How do righteousness and wisdom provide peace and a good discernment?
November 11 – Psalm 111:1-10
How do fear and wisdom go together?
How does God display His righteousness and goodness?
How is worship us recognizing that God is on the throne?
November 12 – Proverbs 13:1-25
When we have to start justifying our actions, is sin knocking on the door?
How do discipline and righteousness go together?
How does who we let speak into our lives affect our character?
November 13 – Proverbs 3:1-18
How do love and discipline go together?
Do we honor God with our money and talents?
How does one commit God’s word and commands to their hearts
November 14 – Proverbs 3:19-26
How do humility and wisdom go together?
How do wisdom and discernment go together?