October 21 – Matthew 25:31-46
- Can we be forgiven and still not be a disciple of Christ?
- How often do we push people aside because they are not like us or they do not meet a certain agenda?
- Are we more concerned with looking Godly or being Godly?
October 22 – Isaiah 58:1-9
- How often do we practice spiritual disciplines such as fasting so that we can manipulate God into doing something for us or to appear Godly?
- How often do we try to redefine God’s rules to our standards?
- Do we view fasting as losing control, or gaining freedom only found in God?
October 23 – Ezekiel 18:1-18
- How do our speech and our actions reveal our character?
- If our words and actions have consequences for us and others, does this change how we live?
October 24 – James 2:14-26
- What good is our faith if it does not lead to good works?
- Can good works justify us before God and how does faith play a part in it?
- What are good works and what prevents us from doing them?
October 25 – Romans 10:13-15
- How can people respond to God without hearing about His goodness?
- Are we really comfortable with people missing out on God’s grace because we don’t want to share it?
- What does it mean to have beautiful feet?
October 26 – 1 Peter 3:13-22
- What prevents us from sharing the news of the great hope we have?
- Are we willing to suffer for doing good?
- What does it mean to put to death the flesh?
October 27 – Matthew 5:38-42
- How often does revenge lead to more violence and wrong doing?
- What is the difference between standing up for what is right and revenge?
- Are we willing to give to those who are in need, even though we may consider them an enemy or we just don’t like them?