June 20- Matthew 6:16-18

Can we fast from more than just food?

Do we fast out of obedience, or out of reward?

Can fasting be done corporately, or is it something that is strictly personal?

What prevents you from fasting?

June 21- Luke 4:1-4

Does fasting help us break our addiction to things that control our lives that is not God?

How does temptation cause us to question God’s authority?

Does fasting provide an avenue for vulnerability with God and others?

Is there a difference between medical and spiritual fasting?

June 22- Acts 13:1-3

How does fasting help with clarification and seeking God’s voice?

How is Godly fasting intentional?

How is fasting a part of worship just as song, prayer, or Bible reading is?

June 23- Joel 2:12-14

Can there be true fasting if there is no forgiveness or mercy?

Why does God want all of us, and not just a piece of us?

How is fasting a part of seeking forgiveness?

June 24- Ezra 8:21-23  

How does fasting and humility go together?

Do we ever fast to get a response from God, or to seek guidance and/or protection?

June 25- Isaiah 58:1-4

Do we ever fast to manipulate God?

How often do we get offended when God calls us out for appearing more holy than we really are?

June 26- Isaiah 58:5-9

Does Godly fasting really free us from burdens, sin, and restoring relationships?

How is fasting an act of faith?

If God can be found, what are we doing to find Him?

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