October 3 – Ezra 1:1-8
- What does it mean when God stirs His spirit?
- Is King Cyrus claiming that God is the only one or the one of many deities?
- What is the significance of rebuilding the temple?
October 4 – Ezra 2:1-70
- Has God given us specific talents for a specific task?
- How is the rebuilding of the temple a sign of God restoring His covenant with His people?
October 5 – Ezra 3:1-6
- How does providing a sacrifice help fulfill God’s covenant?
- How does sacrifice and worship helps us to focus and do what is important?
October 6 – Ezra 3:7-15
- How can one grieve the past, and yet be joyful of what is yet to come?
- How is everything we do an act of worship?
October 7 – Nehemiah 1:1-11
- What is the remnant?
- What does it mean to delight in the fear of God’s name?
- How does God put the ball in our court?
October 8 – Nehemiah 2:1-9
- Why is Nehemiah burdened with grief and do we have that same kind of heart?
- How often do we seek God’s counsel before answering?
- Does God really work through non-believers to display His glory?
October 9 – Nehemiah 2:11-18
- How important is it to assess the situation and honestly look at the situation?
- Is there any significance of Nehemiah keeping his plans close to the vest?
- How important is it to keep a group of people in your inner circle to help ask things and give feedback?