September 26- 1 Samuel 8:1-22
- How often do we not fully understand the consequences of our ask, or our desires?
- Are we all a slave or subjects to someone or something and is it destructive and burdensome?
- How often are our desires a rejection of God’s goodness and holiness?
September 27- 1 Samuel 9:1-14
- Is there any significance to Saul’s physical features being mentioned, and not his spiritual ones?
- Did God really use the lost donkeys to get Saul and Samuel to meet together?
September 28- 1 Samuel 9:15-24
- Does Saul understand the gravity of what is being asked?
- Do we ever concern ourselves with things that we should not be concerned with?
September 29- 1 Samuel 9:25-10:8
- What does it mean to have the Spirit of the Lord upon Saul?
- What is the significance of offering the peace offering?
- What does it mean to be anointed by God?
September 30-1 Samuel 10:9-16
- With Saul becoming king, does he become God’s voice to the nation of Israel?
- What does it mean that Saul received another heart?
October 1- 1 Samuel 10:17-27
- How often do we hide from our responsibilities?
- How often do we place a savior complex on things or people that cannot save us?
- Does God really allow us the desires of our hearts even if they lead to pain and destruction?
October 2- 1 Samuel 11:12-12:18
- How does Samuel contrast his life to the life of his sons?
- Does being God’s chosen mean that we get to pick and choose the rules we follow?
- Does our obedience or the lack thereof have direct correlation to the consequences we face in life?