October 18- Joshua 1
If God is a God who provides, why do we have such a hard time trusting Him?
What does it mean to be strong and courageous?
What does it mean to be faithful?
If God has already provided victory in battles, how can we tell the difference between our and Gods battles?
October 19- Joshua 2
Is it ever a Godly thing to lie?
What is the difference of someone who is accepting of the faith and a follower of Christ?
October 20-Joshua 6
How does Rahab story show that no matter are status or choices that we still matter and grace is always there to be accepted?
If we don’t have God’s presence in our life and what we do, is anything we do of eternal value?
October 21- Joshua 8
How often do we jump the gun on Gods commands only to fail?
What is the benefit of not only privately, but also publicly reading Gods Word and why don’t we do it more?
October 22- Joshua 10
How often do we let things linger that we need to take care of and it has bad consequences when we don’t take care of it?
If God can make the sun stand still, what are the areas in your life where the sun needs to stand still?
October 23- Joshua 11
God often gives us promises of something greater, are we willing to do our part to make it happen?
How do we go about finding rest in the mist of work and even chaos?
October 24- Joshua 23-24
Is our choice with God a one time thing or a daily commitment that we make?
Can other people tell who or what we serve by our actions?
Do we ever take a worldly thing put a God stamp on it and call it good?