The Birth of a King

 April 24- Matthew 1

Is there any significance to women and gentiles being listed in the genealogy?

Even though it is culturally acceptable to walk away, how has God called us to

live differently?

The word “behold” is used several times in this passage, what is the significance

of it?

April 25- Matthew 2

When we feel that our ego or authority is being threatened, what is our response?

How many wise men were there, and where do we draw the line between truth

and a cool story?

Is there any significance to Jesus returning to Nazareth?

April 26- Luke 1:1-38

Have you ever doubted Gods promised miracle in your life?

Is there a difference between doubting and asking how something is going to


What does it mean to be Gods servant and what helps and hinders with this?

April 27- Luke 1:39-80

What is Johns relationship/role in relation to Jesus?

What does it mean that Mary is blessed?

How are praise and joy related?

April 28- Luke 2:1-38

What is our response when we see something amazing?

Do we have the patience and dedication of Simeon?

April 29- Luke 2:39-52

If Jesus is fully God, how did He grow in wisdom and stature?

Have we ever lost something that was always there?

How often do we do what we know God has called us to do?

April 30- John 1

How does this passage show that Jesus is eternal and a part of the Trinity?

What does it mean that God dwelt among us?

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