The Queen of Beauty and Courage

 April 10- Esther 1-2

What kind of stupidity are we capable of when we are left on our own uncontrolled?

When we defy orders or commands, are we willing to suffer the consequences?

Why do we judge and make assessments based on looks instead of character?

What would it take for you to risk everything for a cause or a group of people?

April 11- Esther 3-4

Are we more interested in following social and cultural norms and commands, or

the commands of God?

Do all of our actions have consequences and do we embrace them or run from them?

How does silence portrayed on any particular issue signify the support of it?

Has God called you to take a risk; stand in the gap for a particular issue, city or person,

and have you said yes and if not why?

April 12- Esther 5

How does bitterness, anger and resentment ruin our lives?

Whose that one person that you despise so much that you want them to fail epically?

Have we ever concealed something to get what we wanted or to be in a place of authority

and would that be lying?

April 13- Esther 6

Why can we be so secretive when our intentions and actions will be made known


Do our words and actions bring others down so we can be made to look better than we

really are?

April 14- Esther 7

Does vengeance belong to God or do we want to take it from Him and use it for our gain?

Who do we let in our inner circle and do they lead us to or away from God?

April 15- Esther 8

Who defends our honor, us or God?

How does one defend themselves with grace and humility?

April 16- Esther 9

If God is never mentioned, does He still work?

How does Gods grace require a response of obedience, bravery and humility?



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